Disclaimer: All the information provided at various pages of this website has been collected from various sources, verified and then published. Still having human error cannot be ignored. The correctness of the information is not guaranteed. Before following any tips or advice or any suggestion provided in the website it is highly recommended that the reader should consult any specialist in his/her local area, verify it from other relevant sources and then follow it under the guidance of any expert in the beginning.
The requirements of Diets, Exercises, Nutrition, Supplements, Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama vary from person to person. It depends upon various factors like local climate, food habits, lifestyle, physical labor, mental works, varying seasons, age, gender, individual body, sensitivity to any elements, allergies to anything and many more. So, it is required to know the individual’s requirements first, the suitability of his/her body, the strength and flexibility of the body (for Exercises, Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama), any existing symptoms and other related factors.
Common Diseases are the diseases which most of the people across the world encounter. It is not necessary that every person will suffer all the diseases. Most of the people live a healthy life for his/her entire age. The purposes of the page “Common Diseases” is to make the reader informative and aware with the commonly found diseases. The precautions provided are for the purposes of just precautionary measures and not as a medical advice. If anybody is suffering from any disease given in the list, he/she should consult a doctor in his/her local area.